Wednesday, June 15, 2011

National University Singapore

THE National University of Singapore (NUS) announced three key appointments in health and medicine yesterday.
Associate Professor Benjamin Ong has been made senior vice-president (health affairs), Professor John Wong is the new vice-provost (academic medicine) and Associate Professor Yeoh Khay Guan will take over as medicine dean.
Prof Ong, 54, is chief executive of National University Health System (NUHS), which oversees the operations of the National University Hospital, NUS Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine and NUS Faculty of Dentistry. He will continue in this job after starting his new role, which involves promoting academic medicine and cooperation through NUHS.
Prof Wong, 54, is currently the dean of the School of Medicine. His new job will involve helping to develop academic medicine and integrating the research done by the medical school and dentistry faculty. Prof Yeoh, 49, is currently vice-dean (academic affairs) of the School of Medicine.
NUS president Tan Chorh Chuan said the new appointments will 'bring a powerful vision, great experience and expertise to medical education, research and care'.
