Saturday, June 18, 2011


We took a quick poll in our company and found that the majority of our staff is investing in "upgrading" their dads with the latest high-tech device and getting them more plugged into the 21st century.  Adding to the traditional tech list of iPods, smart phones, Netbooks and Kindles, ABC World News correspondent Andrea Smith's top selection is the Apple TV – allowing ultimate integration and streaming of iTunes, iPads, HDTV – enabling Dads to be hooked into technology everywhere, including home, plane, and office.

"It is more important than ever for children born into the technology revolution to unplug on Father's Day -- stop texting, e-mailing, gaming, surfing the internet, updating Facebook... turn off cell phones," noted Dr. Joseph Geliebter, clinical psychologist and founder of Unplugging and Reconnecting™.  "The best gift that kids can give Dad and the one he is likely to cherish most is real conversation, face to face interaction, a shared activity -- a shared memory."
Plugged in dads also need to take time on this day to reconnect with their kids, tune out work and other distractions.
Debbie Mandel, MA, radio host and author of Addicted to Stress distinguishes between stress and high energy situations. Father's Day should not be just one more stressor in your busy life – another task to cross off your to do list, but rather an opportunity to experience life in the present.
Ask Dads and they'll tell you that more than any gadget, they would love to simply spend some "real" time with their children.
To help you start the conversation, is offering FREE "Unplug and Reconnect" Father's Day cards which can be printed or sent as an e-card.
About Unplugging and Reconnecting™
Unplugging and Reconnecting™, a Mind Over Body® Inc. enterprise, was created in response to our current state of digital overload.  Utilizing the latest research, concepts and techniques, Unplugging and Reconnecting is leading the movement for people to find a balance between their technology-laden, multitasking selves and their creative, emotional and spiritual needs — to benefit from one while sustaining the other.
Mind Over Body® was founded in 1985 to highlight the link between one's mindset or attitude and his/her physical well being.  We provide resources and seminars for companies and individuals in their quest for attaining a balance of physical, emotional and social well being.
Unplugging and Reconnecting launched its first challenges in July 2010.
