Sunday, June 12, 2011

Dianna Agron

We've seen celebrities come out of the closet in memoirs, sitting across from Oprah Winfrey, and on the cover of "People" magazine... but with an announcement on a t-shirt?

"Glee" star Dianna Agron set the social media world abuzz on Saturday night when she wore a t-shirt proclaiming "Likes Girls" for the "Glee" Live Tour's stop in Toronto, ON. We're guessing that she wore the t-shirt in support of GLBT rights, not to make a public proclamation about her own sexuality, but we're not surprised that the move has fans talking.

Fans of the TV show will remember a scene in the "Born This Way" episode where each character wore a t-shirt emblazoned with something that makes them feel different from their peers.

On the tour, the cast has been wearing the same shirts to perform this number. Cory Monteith's reads "Can't Dance," Chris Colfer's reads "Likes Boys," Chord Overstreet's reads "Trouty Mouth," etc.

In previous performances -- and on the TV show -- Agron's t-shirt read, "Lucy Caboosey," a reference to a cruel nickname her character had in the past, when she was overweight and unattractive.

Is the switch to "Likes Girls" simply a show of support for the GLBT community, or is Agron, who recently ended a relationship with her "I Am Number Four" co-star Alex Pettyfer, trying to make a more personal statement? Check out a photo of the t-shirt below thanks to a Toronto fan.

UPDATE: Dianna has posted a response to the reactions to her shirt. Here is part of her statement, the rest can be found on her blog:
What does that day, month and year mean to you? President Bill Clinton used that particular day to declare "Gay and Lesbian Pride Month". Nine years later, on June 1st, President Barack Obama spoke to incorporate an even wider group. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered citizens alike could all have this month for recognition, respect and appreciation. However, I am aware that not all minds meet equally about the rights and respect that we should pay to others. As each generation leaves their footprints, and paves the way for what is to some, change is an impossible idea or action to put in motion.
You know what? Often, this unfortunate reality is because of learned behavior! As much as we may often preach that we like to speak for ourselves, or outside the box, how many times have you caught yourself, or someone you know repeating the thoughts of another before them? Sometimes without proper information? And how many times have you felt that perhaps further knowledge on an issue or subject matter might result in a different voice, a different understanding? Perhaps even going against the ideas they've learned, heard, or grown up around? We have the ability to fly planes, send astronauts into space, develop technology such as cellphones! Things that once were unfathomable. I can sit at this small computer and type this message. Once I push send, this message can be seen by anyone who'd like to engage, all across the WORLD.
