Saturday, June 25, 2011

Deadman Wonderland Episode 11

Deadman Wonderland is in that palce where as you watch it, you can’t help but to feel that it’s not going to end well with only one episode left to go and no indications of a second season at hand. Ganta has finally found it in himself to get wise to the world and train to become stronger so he can achieve his goals and he’s sought out Crow to help him on this path. If there’s someone that can teach him what he knows, and to do it right, it’s going to be Crow among those that we’ve seen. On the flip side, Shiro is going a little more off the rails than usual as she’s frustrated, angry and venting about things after Ganta slapped her upside the head after she tossed the chip in the fire. Considering the effort put into that job and the Undertakers they faced, it was certainly warranted. But Shiro has had a definite disconnect to reality since we’ve met her so her reaction hasn’t been a surprised.
The training is actually going well and Ganta is starting to get the hang of things as Crow shows him the way to get his Blood of Sin working in creative ways. But even Crow has his things he worries about, such as when Mockingbird arrives in the training area, going on about how Shiro was feeling and taking a very curious interest in Ganta. That just has Ganta more curious, especially since he wants to know what’s going on with Shiro after the way they left things the last time around. It’s interesting to see the small flashes of truth in their expressions, from the way Crow is surprised by Mockingbird’s being there as well as the glint of evil in Mockingbird’s eyes as he runs off after talking to Shiro for a few minutes. You can see the conniving wheels a turning in his mind very easily.
The episode does pick up in events a bit after that, particularly as Shiro ends up captured by the white suits and deal with her easily enough. It’s an interesting segment as it plays out because unlike most of the show, it’s the one brightly animated area and it feels very out of place because of that, but also more accessible in a way since it’s not so murky. The crazy level is pretty much set to be raised though as Ganta tries to apply what little he’s learned from Crow, and discovered about himself, within this fight, but with him already worn down from the training it can go only so far. It has a great look to it and a real sense of crazy that’s definitely appealing as each side ramps things up. Genkaku in particular is pretty nuts in general but it comes out in specific ways and in how he carries himself. Putting him into this situation, where his rage can run free, makes him definitely dangerous and fun to watch.
In Summary:
Deadman Wonderland is in that place where it’s going to end big and bloody, but there’s no real expected overall resolution since there aren’t any known plans for more. If it closes the chapter well with the next episode while leaving it open for more, that’ll work pretty well. But it needs to bring some amount of closure to things and not completely open-ended. This episode helps to get Ganta on the right track, but he’s still a very hard character to get behind. Pretty much everyone is in the same boat and at this stage of the series, there’s nobody that I’m actively rooting for, so seeing any or all of them bloodied up or ripped apart would be pretty fun. The show had me very strongly at the start of its run, but its disjointed nature and odd turns have made it less than interesting unfortunately.
