Saturday, July 16, 2011


Fido is not just overly-fluffy after months of inactivity – he’s fat!
Not only are we humans mega-snacking and ballooning, seems our portly pets are packing on more pounds too – approximately 53% of cats and 55% of dogs are overweight or obese, report recent stats from the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP).
“We’re killing our pets by making them fat,” says Ward, a vet and founder of APOP. They’re eating too much and exercising too little – just like us!
“Jumbo, giant and all-you-can-eat foods have become the norm in North America. While we are busy super-sizing our lives - and waistlines - our four-legged friends are also getting bigger,” says Ward, author of Chow Hounds: Why Our Dogs Are Getting Fatter – A Vet’s Plan to Save Their Lives (HCI).
Ward has a bone to pick, particularly with unhealthy pet treats. He calls them “Kibble Crack” and blames the sugar-packed snacks as the biggest contributor to the huge obesity problem weighing down the pet population.
“My own personal experience indicates nearly everyone – two- and four-legged – is too heavy,” says Ward. “Sadly, we’re raising the first generation of dogs that likely won’t live as long as their parents.”
According to Dr. Rebecca Johnson, people have been supersizing their meals but not necessarily their exercise and “this has spilled over into their dogs.
“Consequently, we need to reverse this process and make our relationships with our dogs more exercise-based than food-based,” says Johnson, a human animal interaction specialist and author of Walk a Hound, Lose a Pound (Purdue University Press).
Our dogs give us so much, yet we repay them with health problems. “While some people mistakenly believe that ‘fat cats are happy cats’,” says Ward, “the fact is these extra pounds are robbing pets of precious years and costing us millions in medical bills.” The same health problems confronting people are being transferred to our furry friends, including chronic diseases such as diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure, kidney failure and cancers associated with excess weight.
An overweight pet is estimated to live two years less than a lean counterpart, according to a Purina longevity study. “They live so few years as it is - just how many years are we taking away from them generally?” says Ward, whose book offers advice and a prescription for effective weight loss and improved overall health.
According to Dr. Phil Zeltzman, “for many people, food equals love.” But you’re barking up the wrong tree! Overfeeding a dog is just as cruel as underfeeding!
“Chubby dogs live a shorter life than thin dogs, and with more pain and suffering…” says Zeltzman, a traveling veterinary surgeon.
Up the activity, not the treats. “People who exercise with their dog are totally in love and in synch with their dog. It creates a much deeper bond, much stronger relationships. And the same can be true when the whole family gets involved,” adds Zeltzman, of
Also resist the temptation of feeding your dog table scraps. “At best, they will put on pounds in the long run. At worst, it could make them sick or could even be toxic for them,” says Zeltzman, who recommends talking to your family vet about a weight-reducing diet and any new exercise routine - not all breeds are created equal.
Ward says that even though we think we’re helping our pets, we’re actually killing them with our kindness. He’s not against pet treats, just excessive treating.
Forgo snacks high in sugar and fat. “A pet should never eat more than 10% of its daily calories in snacks. For a small dog or cat, this would be approximately 15 to 20 calories while a golden retriever might enjoy 50 or 60 calories a day in treats,” says Ward, of
“When you consider that a single Snausages has 25 calories and a tiny Pup-Peroni packs 24 calories, you realize how potentially fattening these calorie-grenades are.”
Beware of the biscuits
Today’s treats are pumped full of fat and sugar and are extremely unhealthy, says Dr. Ernie Ward.
“For example, one Milk-Bone Gravy Bones for Small and Medium Size Dogs dog biscuit contains 45 calories. That doesn’t sound too bad until you realize that a 10-lb. dog that size probably only needs about 200 to 220 calories each day. That single biscuit equals 21% of the total calories that dog should eat in a day,” says Ward, founder of
“If an average human were to eat an equivalent amount of calories, they would need to eat two Krispy Kreme Chocolate Iced Glazed Doughnuts. Imagine if you did that two or three times a day - you’d be obese in no time!”
Check out more common treats from Ward’s book, Chow Hounds: Why Our Dogs Are Getting Fatter (HCI).
1 Purina Busy Bone Chew Treat Dental for Small/Med Dogs fed to your 20-lb. dog is like an adult drinking three 16-oz. McDonald’s Chocolate Triple Shakes.
1 Hartz Dentist’s Best with Dental Shield Chew Treats fed to an 80-lb. dog is equivalent to a human eating 34 Chips Ahoy chocolate chip cookies.
1 large Beggin’ Chew fed to an 80-lb. dog is equal to a human eating a Wendy’s combo – burger, fries and 20-oz. Coke.
1 Purina Busy Bone, size small/medium, fed to a 40-lb. dog is similar to an adult eating 4 McDonald’s Egg McMuffins.
1 Milk-Bones Large Dog Biscuit fed to a 60-lb. dog equals an adult eating one Snickers Bar.
1 pig ear fed to a 40-lb. dog is like a human drinking six 12-oz. Coke Classics.
½ hot dog wiener fed to a 20-lb. dog is like a human gobbling up an eight-ounce T-bone steak.
Keep an eye on your best friend’s health:
Calculate Calories: Most of us overfeed our dogs by 25% daily so ask your veterinarian to calculate the proper number of calories your pet needs each day. Try this formula: “Divide your pet’s weight by 2.2. Multiply this figure times 30. Add 70 and you’ve got a good idea of how many calories you should be feeding a typical inactive, indoor spayed or neutered pet,” says vet Dr. Ernie Ward.
Measure Meals: Don’t guestimate. Use a measuring cup. “Feeding as few as 10 extra kibbles of food per day can add up to a pound of weight gain in indoor cats and small dogs,” says Ward.
Tactical Treating: Choose low-calorie, no-sugar goodies that provide a health benefit, including baby carrots, green beans, celery, cucumbers, sliced apples and bananas or ice cubes. Be sure to count those additional calories. “As few as 30 extra calories per day means your pet gains three pounds in a year,” says Ward. “While you’re at it, put down the potato chips and share a carrot with your pooch. You’ll both be healthier for it.”
Hustle for Health: “The health benefits of walking extend to both ends of the leash,” says Ward. A brisk walk of 20-30 minutes will boost immune function, improve cardiovascular health and reduce many behavioural problems. “For cats, try playing chase the laser pointer, remote-controlled toy or ball of paper for five to 15 minutes each day.”
Smart Supplements: A daily omega-3 fatty acid supplement can benefit almost every dog, cat and person. “These powerful fish oils pack a potent anti-oxidant punch that has been proven to help prevent numerous diseases.”
Like owner, like dog
Owners, lose your extra pounds and it’s likely your dog will too:
Walk your dog, a neighbour or friend’s dog, or a shelter dog twice a day for 30 minutes.
Instead of rewarding or comforting yourself with food, reward yourself with a few minutes of active play with your dog or cat.
Cut down portion sizes so that the plate is clearly visible around each serving of food in a meal. Also use a smaller plate so it looks like you are eating more.
Drink plenty of water - especially before a meal - to feel fuller and less hungry.
Always check with your health care provider before starting any new exercise routine.
