Wednesday, July 6, 2011


It's not every day that a museum explores the distinction between bloomers and pantaloons. Or sheds light on the true meaning of "pantywaist." Or reveals what was behind all that swooning the Victorians used to do.

But suddenly, it seems, a rash of institutions are finding that spotlighting so-called "unmentionables" is a way to attract fresh audiences.
The latest case in point: The History Center in Ithaca, N.Y., on Friday unveiled the exhibit, Underneath it All -- Underwear through the Ages. It features woolen long johns, corsets and cage crinolines -- a rigid structure worn under long skirts, which not only made sitting impossible, but, in a stiff wind, could lay a hapless wearer flat.
"If anything, this exhibit shows that women have long suffered for fashion," says The History Center's executive director, Scott Callan.
But men have been victimized by their underwear, too. Woolen long johns were standard issue into the 20th century, as were corsets, worn by high-ranking military officers, Callan notes.
Among other undercover exhibits, past and present, that, in a way, are more revealing than the Victoria's Secret display window at the local mall:
-- In St. Paul, the Minnesota Historical Society presents Underwear: A Brief History, which includes vintage Munsingwear samples (including men's briefs with a "kangaroo pouch!"). The show runs through Sept. 11.
-- In central China, a graduating fine arts student is taking a more contemporary -- if not exactly fresh -- approach to women's dainties, with an art installation dubbed Privacy. It consists of hundreds of pairs of used underwear donated by fellow students, reports the British website
-- And at the Lake Villa (Ill.) District Library in January, an event with the rather saucy title, Unmentionables: The Rise and Fall of Ladies Underwear, was presented with one stipulation: No men allowed.
Regardless of who gets to look, The History Center's Callan believes exhibits such as Underneath it All are "a really good way to engage people who think history is static. I'm happy when someone comes in and has a good laugh. After all, everyone can relate to what's in the exhibit. "

The show runs through Sept. 29.
