Saturday, July 2, 2011


To find out what July has in store for you, calculate your key number by adding the day and month of your birth. Continue adding until you arrive at a single digit. For example, if your birthday is October 14, your personal number is determined as follows: 10 + 14 = 24. Then 2 + 4 = 6, and you have the key number (6) that you will keep for life.
Key number 1
This month should contain a special, light energy for you. It can be a time to experience happiness, and the more enthusiastic you are, the happier you will be. In career life, it’s a good time to expand and develop opportunities, especially those involving your creative and imaginative abilities. Wherever you go, endeavour to establish a cheerful and optimistic environment. This is a time to interact with friends. If you don’t have an active social life, begin to develop one. Creativity will be at its height, and the more you test it, the better results you will achieve. Spend some time improving your appearance. Botox, anyone?
Key number 2
Accept that this is a test cycle month and that even though Vancouver is experiencing the somewhat relaxed, easy-going energy of the summer, you can’t afford to avert your gaze from work. Put your head down and pretend you are a busy little beaver working away at building your life, shoring up any cracks in your beaver dam. This is also an earthy and physical month, and attractions of the sexual kind are bound to worm their way into your consciousness, tickle your toenails and demand you pay attention, even if it is just a little time for fantasy. Pay attention to your diet and build in some physical exercise.
Key number 3
The energy of this month is about freedom, growth and unexpected events. Expand your horizons! Be as adventurous and as flexible as you possibly can be in all areas of your life. Things are likely to move very quickly, especially if you allow your imagination to lead you into unknown territory. If you have been looking for a partner, a job or a new hobby, this is the time when it is most likely to appear in the most unexpected way. It is a good idea to initiate new situations rather than to wait for things to happen, but change is in the air and the unexpected is waiting around every corner.
Key number 4
This is the month of the house mouse. It will make you happy to stay close to home, cook or barbecue, and fulfill your obligations to family and close friends. More importantly, it will make those around you happy. If you are willing to serve, compromise and make adjustments for special people in your life, this can be a rewarding time. You may feel as if you are under the burden of many responsibilities, and the pace of this month will likely be slower than it was last month, but you will feel slower, and maybe a little bit homey, and romantic as well. Lend a listening ear to those who need to your counsel, but be careful not to let friends take advantage of your generous nature. Remember that doormats are walked on.
Key number 5
Concentrate on spending time alone during this month, preferably as free as possible from outside responsibilities. Although it is the middle of summer, this is not a social time for you. In social situations you may be quieter than usual. The energy of this cycle month is good for camping or hiking, if you are so inclined. The best way to use your time this month is to get in touch with nature, make time to contemplate, and reflect and think deeply about the direction of your life. Think before you speak, as you will likely be misunderstood if you blurt.
Key number 6
This month, you will likely have more personal power and authority than you have had for several months. This is particularly true in business affairs or if you are the CEO of a  household. Exercise your executive ability now. This is a harvest month, and you have access to loads and loads of courage if you’re willing to summon it. Be loud and outspoken in asking for what you want. In this month you can assert your deserve-ability.
Key number 7
You are now under the cycle energy of significant endings and transitions. This is the time to clean your mental closets of all that is no longer useful to you. Completions arise naturally in this kind of energy, but it is up to you to decide what in the way of people, habits, and ideas are useful to you on your path and which are not. This is a sensitive, spiritual kind of energy. Your charisma will be evident, and useful, but also may get you into some difficulty in your emotional life. You may have brief glimpses of what it’s like to be a celebrity, perhaps without the paparazzi. This is the end of a minor cycle. You may feel a bit weary at times, but completing the work you must do in the way of closet cleansing is a necessity.
Key number 8
This is a time when it’s possible to experience exciting change, dramatic progress and new beginnings. Anything that you begin now will have a significant effect far into the future. Planting new seeds is essential. Expect to feel energetic and assertive. Be ready to lead or to take new opportunities as they present themselves. Be careful about being a steamroller—your enthusiasm and energy moving forward can crush those who are not so energetic. As much as possible, leave the past in the past. New beginnings are sometimes confusing, but it is important to stay in motion, moving forward in areas where you want your future to expand.
Key number 9
You may feel that things have slowed down this month. The energy of the cycle is mellow and perfect for quiet waiting. Take advantage of the slowness to lounge on the beach or a patio, and allow as much time as it takes for your plans to mature fully. This is not a time to make drastic changes or sharp adjustment in the direction that you’re following. Fly below the radar, and don’t call attention to yourself or your projects. Do work on the social side of your life, make connections and be diplomatic.
