Sunday, July 17, 2011

Dukan Diet

The Dukan Holiday Diet is a high-protein weight-loss plan that’s taken Britain by storm. Adapted by Dr. Pierre Dukan, it reportedly can help dieters get the summer beach body they crave.
The Dukan diet has  been a popular weight loss regime since Daily Mail announced its premiere April 2010 in Britain. From that moment on, this high-protein, low-fat eating regimen has been known for its quick and easy weight loss among those who find dieting a struggle (as well as the glitterati).
Celebrities are on the list that are reported to be using Dr. Dukan’s diet. Jennifer Lopez has been an avid follower of the Dukan diet and gives credit to it for the toning of her world-renowned curves. Actress Penelope Cruz has used the Dukan diet, which she claims helped bring her back to red carpet shape after the birth of her daughter. Katherine Jenkins, Welsh singer,  also swears by the Dukan diet’s simple methods to help keep her looking great for the cameras.
Pierre Dukan, the French creator of the Dukan diet, created the diet plan to provide his obese patients with a weight-loss solution that didn’t sacrifice the love of food. After two decades of research, Dr. Dukan published his findings in “I Don’t Know How To Get Slimmer,” his 2000 book, which quickly became a bestseller.
The Dukan diet plan acknowledges the pleasures of eating and promises swift weight loss while enjoying unlimited amounts of real food.
The Dukan Holiday Diet is four interconnecting diets designed to work against the body’s natural reluctance to let go of excess fat, and to ensure that the weight that is lost does not come back.
The first stage of the Dukan diet begans with the individual consuming nothing but protein — meat, fish, eggs and no-fat or very low fat dairy products. The first stage is supposedly meant to kick-start the dieter into rapid weight loss as well as setting the tone for the other three stages of the Dukan plan.
“There’s nothing wrong with spending one to five days in the protein-only Attack phase of the diet if you are otherwise healthy,” says registered dietician Dr. Sarah Schenker.
The first stage of this diet supposedly produces immediate results and claims that many people can expect to lose as much as 7lbs in only 5 days!
The second stage involves alternating between pure protein days and days of unlimited salads and vegetables. This called the Cruise phase. The third phase, called the Consolidation phase, adds limited amounts of  fruit, bread, cheese and starchy foods like pasta, into the diet plan. The fourth, final stage, Stabilisation, involves eating anything most of the week, with one day (Thursday) being a protein only day.
