Monday, July 18, 2011

Casey Anthony Released From Jail

If it wasn’t scary enough facing life behind bars, Casey Anthony is now facing life without armed guards keeping her safe.
After the trial of the decade,  Anthony was acquitted of killing her 2-year-old daughter Caylee and has just finished serving four years in jail for lying to law enforcement. Anthony was released from jail this past Sunday and is now embarking on a new life, one filled with lawsuits and death threats.
As Anthony is released from jail her safety is definitely in question– Just last week a woman resembling Anthony was attacked by a stranger.
According to Yahoo News, Anthony’s legal team said that on Friday, they received an emailed death threat. It seems clear that many people across the country were outraged by the verdict in the Anthony case evident through formal protests and media outrage. As Anthony left jail on Sunday people were heard yelling “baby killer,” and “you suck.”
Anthony is now also facing the stark reality of a criminal record, no job, estranged parents, fines, and pending lawsuits. Not to mention a slew of people across the nation who feel that this woman got away with murder, and have threatened to take the action that they feel the justice system did not.
According to Yahoo News, Anthony is facing several different lawsuits. A Texas group that helped search for Caylee during her so-called disappearance are suing Anthony for hundreds of thousands of dollars spent on searching for the child. Prosecutors alike, are seeking compensation for the cost of their investigation into Caylee’s disappearance.
Anthony is also being sued by Zenaida Gonzalez for defamation. Gonzalez claims that she has been harassed and unable to find work after Anthony alleged Caylee had been kidnapped by a babysitter with Gonzalez’ name.
According to Huffington Post, Anthony could avoid all the potential liability from the lawsuits by filing for bankruptcy. Marti Mackenzie, a media relations expert who specializes in legal cases, believes it is important for Anthony to make some kind of public statement soon.
