Sunday, July 17, 2011

Casey Anthony Released From Jail

While most of the country was asleep last night, Casey Anthony was released from Jail just 10 minutes after midnight. Anthony, who was acquitted of the murder of her child, walked out of the front door of the Orange County Jail with her attorney, Jose Baez, leading the way into a dark SUV in the middle of the night. The Orange County Sheriffs office took great care and preparation in her release, there were heavily armed police officers, enforced security details, and even decoy SUV’s in order to ensure a safe release of Anthony who has come under threats from all over the country.
It’s still not known where Ms. Anthony was released to but early speculation was that she was dropped off at a small private airport nearby and left town on a private jet to Ohio, other reports say she may have been dropped off at one of her attorneys, Cheney Mason’s office, in downtown Orlando and from there was transported to another location in a different car in order to avoid any threats. Wherever Casey Anthony goes one thing is to remain for sure, millions of people are outraged over the not guilty verdict and her life will be under constant threat for many months or even years to come.
One thing is for sure, this won’t be the last time you see Casey Anthony. Even though much of the nation is disgusted by her, you can bet that at least 1 major media outlet will be willing to risk their reputation for the once in a lifetime interview and she still has a few civil lawsuits which have been filed as well as a few more that are currently pending or planning to be filed against her.
