Friday, June 10, 2011

Super 8 Rotten Tomatoes

Full review of Super 8 coming, summary for now;
In the briefest possible sense, I loved it. J.J. Abrams has such obvious joy in bringing classic small-town, monster-mashing sci-fi back to our screens, but beyond the superbly effective scares, military conspiracy, and paranoia it is the focus on the small group of kids making their own Super-8 zombie movie when the chaos hits that raises Abrams film above the norm…
Learning from the master (and Super 8 producer) Steven Spielberg they are a funny, real, and hopelessly likeable group of characters. Set in 1979 in small town Ohio the call of nostalgia to early 80s sci-fi adventure is palpable, from the kids on BMXs, to a shot looking down on the ordered night-time streets, conflicts between fathers and sons, and best of all the judicious use of camera lens flare. Perhaps it’ll appeal more to moviegoers who understand and recognise its influences but it is defiantly a hugely fun movie on its own terms. I enjoyed every minute.
Super 8 is out now in the U.S. but doesn’t hit UK screens until August.
