Sunday, June 5, 2011


If you’re a gardener, this time of the year is at least as good as Christmas. Much to do. Garden surprises to savor. Friends to meet and greet.

Here’s some of what’s happening now:

Garden Fair at Klehm Arboretum & Botanic Garden, 2715 S. Main St., Rockford: If you’ve never been to this, you’re missing a chance to shop dozens of local and out-of-the-area vendors in one location. All manner of plants and garden accessories are displayed. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday; 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday. Admission is $7 at the gate.

Volunteers needed at Tinker Swiss Cottage at 411 Kent St.: Help plant window boxes, barrels, an heirloom vegetable garden and railroad garden at this unique local landmark. Put on your gloves and join in from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday or Sunday. Water and snacks provided.

Glitzy sale: Womanspace at 3333 Maria Linden Drive is holding its 35th
annual Glitzy Garage Sale from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday. If you’ve never seen Womanspace’s garden and labyrinth, include them in your visit.

Mark these on your calendar:
Free garden walk: Wednesday, June 15, noon to 8 p.m. Gardens at 701 and 608 Garfield in Rockford; 10518 and 10521 Ventura and 9257 Kipling Way in Machesney Park; 2264 Merrick Drive in Caledonia; 10038 Rellswood Drive in Belvidere; 3333 Maria Linden, 5241 Parliament Place and 3501 Shirley Road in Rockford. Take in as many as you can. The gardeners are talented and willing to share secrets. Go to Councilof

Klehm’s Woodsong series begins June 12 with an ABBA salute. July 10 it will be Ann Stewart and the Banjo Buddies and Aug. 14 the Saturday June Band. Go to

Klehm is offering a family bus trip to the Morton Arboretum and DuPage Children’s Museum June 20. has details.

Wildflower Weekend at Nygren Wetland Preserve, 3190 W. Rockton Road in Rockton, is 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. July 15-17. Friday is group tours only. Saturday is children and family day. Sunday is for quiet walks and picnics. or 815-964-6666.

Welty Wednesdays begin June 29 at the environmental center in Beckman Mill County Park, Beloit. For children ages 5 to 10, different theme each week from 9 to 11 a.m. For details, or 608-361-1377.

Gather up old crayons for the recycling drive under way now. Keep Northern Illinois Beautiful recycles them. Drop off crayons at the Roscoe recycling center today or next Saturday, or this week at KNIB offices at 5417 N. Second St., Loves Park.

Finally, make your money go twice as far by going online to donate today to the Natural Land Institute for its Pecatonica River Forest project. A donor will match every gift made by June 5. Details on the project and how to help online
