Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol's official trailer has hit the web. While Tom Cruise is back as Ethan Hunt in the fourth installment of the series, Bollywood actor Anil Kapoor who's portraying the role of Brij Nath is missing in action. The film directed by Brad Bird would hit the screen in US
on December 16 this year.
The first part of Mission Impossible hit the screens in 1996 featuring Tom Cruise as Ethan Hunt. The film grossed nearly $452.5 million worldwide.
Mission Impossible 2 got released in 2000 and earned $545.3 million worldwide. Mission Impossible 3 grossed $395.3 million in 2006, reportedly.
In India, Mission Impossible 1 earned Rs 4 crore, part two collected Rs 10 crore and part three grossed Rs 15 crore, according to Paramount's data.
Well with Anil Kapoor's presence in the fourth part, the film should do extremely well in India.
on December 16 this year.
The first part of Mission Impossible hit the screens in 1996 featuring Tom Cruise as Ethan Hunt. The film grossed nearly $452.5 million worldwide.
Mission Impossible 2 got released in 2000 and earned $545.3 million worldwide. Mission Impossible 3 grossed $395.3 million in 2006, reportedly.
In India, Mission Impossible 1 earned Rs 4 crore, part two collected Rs 10 crore and part three grossed Rs 15 crore, according to Paramount's data.
Well with Anil Kapoor's presence in the fourth part, the film should do extremely well in India.