Thursday, June 9, 2011

Les Paul's 96Th Birthday

Les Paul has been celebrated on what would have been his 96th birthday with a musical Google doodle which reflects his guitar legacy.
The search engine company's logo is made up of a series of strings, which can be strummed with the mouse.
Les Paul, born Lester William Polsfuss on 9 June 1915, became a jazz and country guitarist. But his work as an innovator and inventor saw him create one of the first solid-body electric guitars in 1940.
His design was belatedly taken up by Gibson after rival guitar-makers Fender had already started producing their own version.
Paul's work on the solid-body guitar is credited with helping make the sound of rock and roll possible, and he was also a keen explorer of recording innovations.
But his experiments came with their own dangers - Paul spent two years recovering after electrocuting himself in 1940.
