Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Karen Gillan

The scene opens with Doctor Who star Karen Gillan stuck in the hallway at the trendy Ace Hotel in New York. As the Time Lord's plucky assistant Amy Pond, Gillan knows a thing or two about finding herself in difficult situations, but there's the little problem of it being 7 a.m. and she can't find the door she's looking for. Because she's super wasted.
And oh yeah, she's also completely naked.

It sounds like the beginning of a fictional episode written by a particularly devoted and creepy Doctor Who fan, but unfortunately for Karen Gillan, this actually happened. She and her Doctor Who co-stars were on a promotional trip in Manhattan and apparently Gillan overindulged just a teeny, tiny bit at a party for the cast and crew.
A guest of the hotel amusingly described Gillan's drunken shenanigans:
I went to the peephole then I saw this woman naked, trying to wrap towels around her and not having much luck. She started to whimper and knock on my door. Seeing that she wasn’t getting anywhere, she lay down with the towels covering her.
The thing that really sucks for her about this story? She'll never hear the end of the "Bet you wished you had a TARDIS!" jokes.
(Also, no word on whether the carpet matches the drapes. WHAT? I KNOW YOU WERE WONDERING YOU DIRTY BIRD.)

If the remainder of the "Karen Gets Shitfaced and Tries to Enter the Wrong Hotel Room" episode had played out in a typical fanfic manner, the door would have opened and she would have instantly fallen in lust with the world's greatest Doctor Who fan (his name is Harold and he still lives with his mum), but in reality hotel security eventually helped her back to her own suite.

A BBC spokesman has stiffly claimed that to be "unaware of this alleged incident," but I'm guessing they're going to need to brush up on their British euphemisms for rehab because, well, girlfriend kinda looks like she has a problem. I'm just saying, maybe the next show could feature the Doctor sending his assistant to a nice restful place in the country where she can recover from her ... you know, "exhaustion."
