Sunday, June 12, 2011

Jessica Simpson

Since Jessica Simpson doesn’t do much else these days, the tabloids have had to satisfy themselves with rampant speculation about her impending marriage to slacker Eric Johnson. First, there was the theory that Jessica had developed cold feet over those upcoming nuptuals with her “annoying K-Fed.” Yet almost immediately afterward, the word came out that Jessica was excitedly splashing out over $1 million on an 11/11/11 wedding in Hawaii. Next up, an alleged wrench has been tossed into the couple’s happiness, for In Touch reports that Jessica’s dad has begged his oldest daughter not to marry Eric because “[h]e fears his little girl is rushing into another bad marriage.” No kidding, right?
Wedding dress shopping? Check. Rings? Check. Location? Check. Seal of approval from the father of the bride? Not so much. Though Joe Simpson was intially a fan of Jessica Simpson’s fiance, Eric Johnson, the overprotective dad is now singing a different tune. It seems Eric’s unemployed status — the former pro-football player was in grad school for business before dropping out after meeting Jess — is causing some major concern: “It bothers Joe that Jessica is paying for everything and that Eric really doesn’t have a job,” reveals a friend. So much so that Joe is pressuring Jess to call off the wedding completely! “Joe thinks Jessica can do much better and that’s the bottom line,” adds the payl. Of course, the rift between the two most important men in Jessica’s life is making her upset and feel like she’s trapped in the middle. “Jessica is a daddy’s girl, so it bothers her that Joe no longer approves of Eric,” the friend explains. “She’s really torn.”
There very well could be more than a little bit of truth to this report because — let’s face it — Papa Joe probably doesn’t want any other man to take his place in Jessica’s life. Also, it’s rather bizarre that Jessica picked this guy up, and he immediately dropped out of his graduate-level program just to follow her around the world without any designs towards a career of his own. Still, what does Jessica herself do all day anyway? Sure, she’s supposedly got her fashion “empire” and has those past earnings upon which to live, but the only actions that I’ve ever observed from this girl for the past several years (since her pop star career deflated, unlike those boobs) would be Jessica walking around carrying oversized purses. Literally, that is all she ever does these days, and I don’t think she even has the excuse of carrying a dog around in those bags anymore either. At this point, I think Jessica just wants to be married again more than anything else in the world, and since she’s found a man who’s willing to deal with all of her trappings, Jessica will talk Daddy into giving his blessing for this second marriage. With a massive prenup, natch.
