Thursday, June 30, 2011

HTML Tutorial

It’s time I gave back a little (besides my $45) to FDLMyFDL, and all the staff and ESPECIALLY each and every Pup who posts diaries or comments.
You folks have shared SO much with us all, I have learned SO much from all of you.
So, for those Puppers having a tough time at MyFDL with embedding links, or other codes (I’m STILL not sure which one’s will work at MyFDL in comments), I know the ‘a href embed link code’ works, I think bold, italic, underline might work.
Don’t think block quote works anymore.
Anyhoots, here’s something that might help some of yas out a little.
Html Tutorial.
Hope this helps, that page link will take you to all kinds of simple html turotial stuff, I bookmarked it because for me it’s that valuable.
Have fun and thanks to one and all for everything here, I certainly have appreciated it all to date and look forward to much more!
