Monday, June 20, 2011

Fenugreek In Hindi

Fenugreek In Hindi
Fenugreek is an herb useful for widespread use since biblical times. Fenugreek has been used by the Egyptians to make coffee and leaves is for drugs, flavors and tea, but these are just some of many possible uses for fenugreek.Charles Poliquin wrote the role of Fenugreek in improving body composition by improving the body strength and thinner up, especially as creatine activator. Poliquin recommends 900 mg Fenugreek 350 mg creatine, and with minimal carbohydrates.
If you do not take creatine, it recommended 500 mg daily, quoted by the research, dropped out at 2% body fat with significant strength gains in 1RM bench press (9%) and press leg (25%). The reasons are not yet fully understood and more research is needed, but it is believed that fenugreek has anabolic properties and found an increase in free testosterone.The results were observed in less than four weeks, so it deserves more attention, if the strength gains and fat loss are important to you. In addition, fenugreek has long been used as a hypoglycemic and lower cholesterol.
