Friday, June 10, 2011

Bakerzin Singapore

Bakerzin Singapore
5 years had whittled away since the morsels of Bakerzin first embraced my palate. I was bolstered with fond memories of the food from my first visit. Hence, after a weary day, I was only glad to traipse to the nearest eatery, that of Bakerzin at Paragon.

We were assigned to our seats quickly but that's where the compliments stop.

Spoilt for choice, I finally decided on a pasta with bratwursts of sorts (its exact moniker eludes me). I was told that the dish was unavailable.

Carbonara seemed to be a foolproof choice and so, the order was placed.

My palate soon begged for mercy as I was marrying it with Mr Salty Pasta and Bacon that was devoid of taste. I leave you to conjure the conspiracies.

As for the service rendered, let's just say that when one goes from being livid to being in stitches, it isn't exactly a compliment.

The menu was whisked from my hand (mind you, with my hand stranded in mid-air for theatrical effect) by the female staff before I could order an accompanying drink. I could not wait to leave Paragon and adjourn to another eatery for a more pleasant experience and better food, to say the least.

When the bill was presented by the aforementioned lady, my friend enquired if she should sign on the customer's copy as some establishments would require. The reply cued convulsive laughter in our heads (which we'd politely silenced within), "Yes.....No.....OK, you can sign here.", to which my bewildered friend plonked her signature on a random space that this lady had pointed out.

For some reason, the bill was whisked away with my friend's card. Time went by and still, there was no sign of said card.

"Uh, any last orders?" the lady reappeared, sans bill and card.

Needless to say, when the precocious plastic finally emerged, we scuttled out of Bakerzin and distanced ourselves, albeit literally, by heading to another eatery at Clarke Quay.

There you have it.

