Monday, May 2, 2011

Drudge Report

Osama bin Laden
Osama bin Laden is dead, but conspiracy theories aren't.
Sure, there will inevitably be plenty about the 9/11 mastermind's demise, particularly in the Arab world. But here in America, we already have a different one in the mix.

News that President Obama would be announcing that U.S. operatives had killed bin Laden broke in the middle of prime time this evening. One of the shows on was ... drum roll ... "Celebrity Apprentice," the brainchild of presidential wannabe Donald Trump, who's been on a crusade to get the president to prove he's a U.S. citizen.

So Entertainment Weekly, best known for its top-notch political reporting, focused on conspiracy theories floating around Twitter that Obama was trying to upstage Trump. And the Drudge Report, which willprint any conspiracy theoryagainst the president to generate traffic, placed the EW story as itssecond headline tonight.

Almost 10 years after about 3,000 Americans were killed on Sept. 11, 2001, we need to ask: Is this really what we've come to as a country?
