Apple finally announced that the white iPhone will go on sale Thursday, and in a perfect world that would be fresh news. Not earth-shattering news, but an informative story for the folks who have been waiting for this oft-delayed gadget -- assuming those people still exist.
Unfortunately, the white iPhone 4 story has become kind of like an overplayed song on the radio. By the time the band gets up to play it live, no one cares any more. That track is played out.So here we are. The white iPhone 4 is available on AT&T and Verizon Wireless tomorrow, for the same $199 starting price as its black counterpart. It's a story that should be written, preceded by way too many rumor-based stories that shouldn't have.
There is a serious question to be asked about whether the iPhone 4 is worth buying at this point in any color. In the past, Apple has released new phones in the summer, although rumors point to aSeptember launch this year. If you like what Apple's selling but crave the latest technology, then wait. But given that software is far more important at this point than hardware, you probably won't be at a huge disadvantage with an iPhone 4. If anything, you should wait until the summer to see if iOS's next software update fills in the missing features that Android users have long enjoyed. (You know what else Android users have long enjoyed? White phones.)
Anyway, I'm just glad this whole thing is over -- at least until Apple announces the inevitable chartreuse iPhone 5.