Tuesday, April 26, 2011

White iPhone 4

According to a reports on some European tech websites, including iPhoneclub.nl, the white iPhone 4 will start shipping from tomorrow, MacRumors reports.
"We received this information through an anonymous tip from someone who works at BelCompany. Then we started looking for other people who BelCompany works [with] that could confirm the information. That was the case: they indicate that an internal memo was circulated, indicating the date of April 27 for the white iPhone called April,” the Dutch website reveals.
Another website from Europe, Mobili, this time from Norway, also strengthens the 27th April launch date, saying: “Several reliable sources who wish to remain anonymous, have told Mobili.no that the white version goes on sale in the Norwegian mobile shops this coming Wednesday, 27 April.”
If Apple really starts shipping the white version of the iPhone 4 from tomorrow, then this means that there’s a bigger chance for the iPhone 5 model to be released in autumn, as releasing it in the summer would cut off white iPhone 4 sales.
It’s logical to assume that Apple will announce the iPhone 5 in early autumn, most probably in the same period when they usually announce iPod updates. This could be either strategy or just due to a miscalculation of the production cycle, which has caused the incredibly long delay in the white iPhone 4.
