Monday, April 25, 2011

Prince Harry

Prince Harry
The best man plans breakfastPrince Harry — who has become known over the years for his party-loving antics — is helping plan Will and Kate’s evening reception.  As the Daily Mail reports, 300 of the couple’s closest friends have been invited to the bash, which will last well beyond the midnight end time of most British weddings.  In fact, Harry expects the party to last so long that he’s also planning a special breakfast for the next morning.  Dubbing it the “survivors’ breakfast,” the meal is planned for 6 a.m., when chefs will prepare bacon sandwiches and fry-ups (the British term for a full English breakfast) for those who can stay on their feet until the morning.  The young royals won’t need to worry about disrupting the Queen either — her majesty and Prince Philip will be staying at Windsor Castle for the night.
Prince William may be the royal in the relationship, but that hasn’t stopped Kate from becoming Queen of the Internet.  As Yahoo! has announced, Kate is searched three times more than her husband-to-be in the U.K., making her the most-searched royal.  Her search tally also means she beats out the likes of Sir Elton John and Lady Gaga for Britain’s top searched individual, falling only behind the British television personality Katie Price.  Things are a little different across the pond, however, where Prince Harry’s full head of hair and baby blues garner him six times more views than his future sister-in-law. Earlier this month, trend tracking company Global Language Monitor said Kate’s name has been searched almost 40 million times this year alone.
Facebook rant gets palace guard sacked from wedding duty
Just in case Facebook users needed another reason to make their profiles private, a palace guard has been relieved of his royal wedding duty because of offensive statements he allegedly posted to the social media site. As the Daily Mail reported, Cameron Reilly, 18, posted an online rant, calling princess-to-be Kate a “posh b***h” and a “stuck-up cow.”  The outrage came after Mr. Reilly thought he had been snubbed by the Royal couple in a drive by in March.  Mr. Reilly’s Facebook page also includedoffensive statements about Pakistanis and slurs about other groups.  Before his removal, Mr. Reilly was just one of the hundreds of Scots Guards who will be involved with the Royal Wedding this Friday.
A royal snub
With the final guest list for Friday’s wedding having been released, people are reacting to their not-invited status.  British singer Lily Allen took to her Twitter account to show her displeasure for the snub.  In the tweet, Ms. Allen makes reference to the 2007 Concert for Diana, in which both she and Joss Stone performed to commemorate the 10 year anniversary of the princess’ death. Sir Elton John, who was also a performer at the concert, will be attending the wedding with his husband, Canadian David Furnish.
Former British prime ministers and Labour Party leaders Tony Blair and Gordon Brown also failed to receive an invite to the wedding.  The Mirrorreported that Buckingham Palace has been accused of being anti-Labour, after two of the men’s Conservative predecessors, Margaret Thatcher and Sir John Major, were invited.  Labour MP Denis MacShane told the Mirror: “Palace courtiers look down at anybody Labour.”
Bahrain’s crown prince turns down royal invite
The crown prince of Bahrain has declined his Royal Wedding invite as unrest continues in his kingdom.  As the BBC reports, Prince Salman bin Hamad Al-Khalifa’s attendance at the wedding had been petitioned against by local human rights campaigners, who have criticized his government’s treatment of protesters.  The campaigners were outraged over the royal’s invite, criticizing the Queen for failing to acknowledge the ongoing conflict in the area.  As human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell said: “The invitations are a massive misjudgment by the monarch.  They show the Queen is out of touch with the humanitarian values of modern, liberal Britain. She’s putting royalty before human rights.”
