Saturday, April 23, 2011

Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan
The sad premature mid-life crisis of Lindsay Lohan just keeps piling on the victories: the sometime-starlet was in tears yesterday when a Judge sentenced her to 120 days in jail for violating her probation by getting busted for allegedly stealing a necklace. Of course, she was released on $75,000 bail a few hours later, which means she only got a precious few hours to practice her stand-up at the cafeteria.
In addition to the jail sentence, LA Superior Court Judge Stephanie Sautner sentenced her to 480 hours of community service, including 360 at LA's Downtown Women's Center and 120 at the LA County morgue. Sautner said working at the women's center could give her some perspective: "Perhaps then she might see how truly needy women who have fallen on truly hard times have to live." Lohan has already filed a notice of appeal to the ruling.
The judge did downgrade charges about her alleged swiping of a $2,500 necklace on January 22nd from felony grand theft to a misdemeanor, but Lohan put her head in her hands and cried when the judge refused to dismiss the charges outright. The judge felt that when Lohan walked out of the store wearing the necklace, she showed intent to keep it. "I see the intent here. I see a level of brazenness with, 'Let me see what I can get away with here,'" she said. It's unclear whether the ruling will affect Lohan's newest role in Gotti: Three Generations which was announcedearlier this week, but on the plus side...nobody really cares about her "movie" career.
