Thursday, April 21, 2011

Earth Day

Earth Day
For two generations of Americans, there isn't a time they can remember that the EPA didn't regulate toxic emissions, or monitor clean water.
And there isn't a time when April 22 wasn't Earth Day.
For 41 years, that day has been celebrated as a time to appreciate the planet and its natural resources, protect those resources and call attention to environmental issues.
It began with an idea from U.S. Sen. Gaylord Nelson and in the spring of 1970 an estimated 20 million Americans responded to his call and demonstrated in U.S. cities. The result was Congress' authorization that year of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and a slew of earth-friendly legislation that followed, including the Endangered Species Act, the Safe Drinking Water Act and the Toxic Substances Control Act.
That call to action led to major changes that many of us take for granted today.
But more needs to be done and on Earth Day this Friday, it's the perfect time to remind your family, your friends, and your neighbor of that.
Not everyone needs to protest or even to drastically change their lifestyle. It's the little steps that count.
It can be as simple as making an effort to walk instead of drive or carpooling. Or recycling cans, newspaper and aluminum. Maybe you could cut your shower just a little bit short and switch to the more energy-friendly light bulbs. Every other load of laundry could hang outside to dry rather than going in the dryer.
Protecting the Earth is a big project but everyone can do their part. A lot of little steps can add up to big changes.
