Art site Society6 recently hosted this epic geek mash-up: an iPhone skin featuring Steve Jobs, frozen in fake carbonite a la Han Solo, available for just $35.
This iPhone accessory, which is quite possibly the geekiest toy/work of art known to man, will likely never be yours. Society6 has received a cease and desist from Apple’s legal team, and the artist Greg Koening took it down.
Koening apologized to fans, but he shouldn’t have. The case combines the unsexy stigma of the grown-up Star Wars fan with all the glory of being an Apple geek and freezes it in fake carbonite. If Apple hadn’t squashed it, it could actually have posed a serious threat to the future of our species.
This iPhone accessory, which is quite possibly the geekiest toy/work of art known to man, will likely never be yours. Society6 has received a cease and desist from Apple’s legal team, and the artist Greg Koening took it down.
Koening apologized to fans, but he shouldn’t have. The case combines the unsexy stigma of the grown-up Star Wars fan with all the glory of being an Apple geek and freezes it in fake carbonite. If Apple hadn’t squashed it, it could actually have posed a serious threat to the future of our species.