Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Robert Gibbs

White House spokesman, Robert Gibbs, said on Monday he will leave next month to establish his own consulting business and a foreign policy adviser to President Obama.
"I will continue to give advice and guidance for the construction, and with this president," Gibbs said in his press conference at the White House.
Gibbs, which he said will in the coming months, said he was "an honor and a privilege here to be."
Obama praised his spokesman said in a statement, saying that "in the last six years, a close friend of Robert, one of my closest advisors and effectively represented on the podium for what this government was made to submit to induce together. "
"I think it's natural that he should take a step back, reflect, and will reconsider," Obama said, "This leads to challenges and opportunities for the White House -. But that does not change the important role that Robert continued to to play our team. "
Gibbs is for release in early February after the president of the Union speech, which provisionally for 25 January is planned planned.

Gibbs first working for Obama during his 2004 campaign for U.S. Senate.
The President told the New York Times:
Had a stretch of six years, because basically that lasted for 24 / 7 with relatively modest salaries. I think it is for someone like Robert to want to think a step back for a second, and to reorganize so that the opportunities and challenges for the White House is, of course.
There was no announcement of a successor to Gibbs. Among the competitors: Bill Burton, spokesman here, and Jay Carney, communications director for Vice President Joe Biden.
Gibbs movement is part of a worldwide series of personnel moves White House, including a new director of the National Economic Council, and possibly know of a new chief of staff.
Obama is in talks with the Clinton Administration, Commerce William Daley to the possibility of chief of staff, but it is possible that the acting Chief Pete Rouse is able to able to keep full-time job.

"You will see announcements in due course," Obama said toldThe New York Times. "Of course we have much to do. The American people expect us to run the floor and made to promote the cooperation with this new Congress to create jobs and keep the current recovery."
As for Gibbs, Obama said: "Robert was amazing on the podium on the stage was one of my advisors office, he will continue to my ear during the time I have for that commercial ..."
Gibbs cited the rush of the talk about his departure, citing the intense campaign of 2008 and has held the office of the President was a law that increased the health care reform, mass, and plan new war in Afghanistan.
"It is unstoppable," said Gibbs. "It is a difficult place to work."
But he added, "are the last two years have been unusual to see and amazing to share." That

It was long believed that Gibbs would leave the podium to round the mark of two years, an Obama presidency. One option was for him a different position in the White House, perhaps in place of David Axelrod, who is to provide a consultant to Chicago to the 2012 re-election campaign of Obama.
The possibility that Gibbs might leave the White House recently published in full, but is probably a public vote for Obama.
possible models are James Carville and Paul Begala, the main architect of the election of President Bill Clinton in 1992. Later they said a private consulting firm and served as outside speakers along the Clinton presidency, including during his re-election 1996th
