Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Tucker Carlson

In this world there are people for dog and cat people. And then there's Tucker Carlson. The way he looks at people who have the welfare of dogs could. Fox News commentator put human life on an equal footing with the dogs in this week, stating his belief that Michael Vick of the Philadelphia Eagles should be sentenced to death by dog fights:
"I am a Christian mistake I made myself, I strongly believe in second chances. But Michael Vick killed dogs, and he has a ruthless and cruel. And I personally think that should have been executed for it.
Wowza. It's hard, but do not speak more surprising for a man who has made public service announcements on behalf of the causes of animal before. On the other hand, could be the place of slaughter of animals in the same plane as the murder have a bigger say in the name of the beast when Carlson seriously.
Unfortunately, not Carlson. This would not have waited a year and a half since Vick was out of prison, where he paid for his crimes, released on the sentencing. It would be there on television, in 2007, when Vick Bad Newz Kennels leading from his home in Virginia, where the once promising star who has taken Virginia Tech to become had its first national championship was the number one public enemy convicted.
However, the treatment of humans and dogs has nothing to do with Michael Vick and his crimes against animals. For all, Vick had until then had not committed the cardinal sin of being conservative. Watch the video to see what happens:
There. Michael Vick, he took the praise of Fox News, the number one enemy: Obama. Well, technically his bosses decided to praise the president, not for dog fighting, but follow Christian teachings hold out "the other cheek, but still, how can you dare?
As a fan of Virginia Tech and a dog lover, I am often the last to defend Michael Vick. What he did was wrong, and I was from the rooftops that cry out for years. But Carlson has himself form his opinion, is angry that Vick violated dogs or are angry that Obama is a bigot? For if the latter, use Vick in the same manner as the quarterback once the pit bulls - as pawns for their amusement. Do you think that Carlson is up online?
