Monday, December 20, 2010

Survivor Winner

The season No. 22, begun by the division of the 20 candidates according to age, it's really not that good. Finally, five were left standing: Fabio, Dan, and Chassis Holly Chase for the finals last night. Chase and the chassis may have played the best game, but 21 years is not so dumb blonde Judson "Fabio" birža was the youngest winner in the history of Survivor! In the end it came in a vote of 5-4, with Jud / Fabio Chase banks. The beautiful Fabio had three straight contests to win immunity in order to reach the final, and that is exactly what he was doing. Jane 'fan favorite' was brilliant $ 100,000, the highest number of votes won by the largest margin ever made available. Last Sunday, the meeting revealed that the next show season, the survivor. "massive format "Redemption Iceland, effective February 16 to send a new design format, each Survivor castaway voted off a new island redemption here, each only survive on its own, until. Player of the day were removed three days later ordered the two survivors One -on-one challenge, by a further act of expulsion was followed by face: The loser will be banished from the permanent collection, while the winner is only in exile to face the next candidate eliminated left The Last Stand is on the main screen of the game end. of the season back.
