Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year Scraps 2011

Last year at this time I have 12 published Geeky New Year's resolutions. How can I do, you ask? Well, not bad but not great with. I was at least a counterpoint, I am green, but I played a role, and held in my comics. I support the independent artists and children in every episode of Red Dwarf Clock. The most impressive was to get help a book geek in the bestseller lists of The New York Times - the GeekDad Ken Denmead book head GeekDad which at # 15 is opened on the list (easy to reach # 4.) Not bad indeed!
This year I decided a bit more realistic with my goals. Although none of them were very far-fetched last year, some are out of reach on the basis of all the variables in my life, I'm sure your in to. Really good, more or less the same as last year, only different. 2010 was a busy year for me, for us all. Let's play in 2011. Hopefully, these decisions are initiated by the Geek joy and euphoria in 2011. Even with the help of my friends Twitter GeekDad here 12 years and other Geeky taken new decisions:
Using Technology to format: Right now, I am not fit to technology in the form. I mean, if you ignore my MP3 player. My practice is more common, either go with a large bag or rope. So if GeekMomJenny Williams suggested the use of technology to get in shape, I really had no idea what it would be. So he asked the Internet and that is what I came for help.
Apparently the problem is not lack of technology, the problem is motivation. The technology seems to be the solution to this problem. Whether shoes, your progress, or GPS, pedometers and accelerometers to track many smartphones that can help the technology track your progress statistically. There is a lot of know-how at this year's CES (Consumer Electronics Show) in Las Vegas is safe. I will not, then greet fitarella @ me. It will certainly be involved in the technical skills.
Drop my upcoming rap album of the science. Ok, it is clear that is not my - it funky49 @. I have included here for two reasons. First, it is to have ideas and also the title of the album actually intended or not - ". Dirty Apes Discover Science Now you do if you were joking or not friends.
Automate the entire house. It is interesting to note that it has been proposed by calittle @. Basically, he returned to the energy monitoring and remote access. That's good to do, but how the hell these things?
Well, to monitor energy consumption, you can monitor your connection to an IO-204 engine and checked the turn (as you say) assign, transfer data on its website. Here are some instructions step by step how to do it, but do not try to get an electric shock. In fact, hiring an electrician. People know that we are all DIY, but try to be humble.
So what about remote access? Okay, there's an app, of course.
Using Social Media to the top! 2010 was the year we finally won using Twitter. But as the year drew to a close, I realized that I spent much of the year only a joke. Although this service is very necessary and very useful for my successor, it is not with the service to its full potential. Not only that, but there are other social media that I was a little, but not used much. With location-based services into the growing trend, and share photos, videos, and so on, social marketing is possible for many other opportunities for me to make dirty jokes.
"This year I can solve all my resolutions 140 characters or less." - John Kovalic
Buy a ton of vinyl records. Vinyl is dead now, this statement could be twenty years too late, but most artists are still press vinyl, or at least try to press vinyl. However, I have a good collection of classic vinyl and want to continue to add the. So, when I learned that my favorite place to buy CDs closes, I have this choice.
Call whenever you want, but when it comes to vinyl, as I wrote, is more than just music. It's art and history. Sure, you can add "buy a platinum-functional" in the list of resolution as well.
Know when a meme has run its course. Has anyone noticed that the term "Double Rainbow" was issued in English dictionary? My children, "said the other day when I do something on television saw. It was really" double rainbow. "If there is one invented more or less even every two days, but we can not all chocolate will stimulate something just because it funny or strange to us. to die The Meme need, it is necessary Trololo into the sunset. We have this strange habit of perpetuating hell memes. It must stop. Here is a good compilation of some of the best memes of 2010 that do not need not to travel until 2011.
Create a Network Attached Storage (NAS) system. Something nerdmom @ also provides do.Well, I won the idea. Why not? It's a good idea. I have a variety of storage units all over the place, connected to nothing, and certainly not on the Internet by the increase in access to four computers to the wireless network. Not terribly efficient Geek by my home network.
So I think to do something sensible to do the trick. Since the Thecus N550 5 Bay double NASthat DOM 5 bays, hot-swappable SATA disk storage of 10 TB is high. Of course we are talking about multiple volumes, and RAID configuration allows the NAS, DAS or iSCSI.
Well, I think, reasonable. Check out this bad boy! What do you do with 67TB of storage as your home server?
Apply technology in the kitchen: It was GeekDad John Madden, who first proposed the use of geek believe to cook something proposed. For example, the chemistry. But I think what already exists in molecular gastronomy, a process that uses specific tools to treat food prepared chemically at the molecular level. Then I thought, what the technology in the kitchen? As in the things that we use for cooking?
I and the kitchen freak, I'm sure many of you. So I'm simplifying always looking for new tools, my process in the kitchen, things faster and cleaner. One of the things I had found in my quest for the perfect kitchen, an induction cooktop. Seriously. Kenmore done, and very sweet. It warms up quickly, but by the magnetism that only the heated pan heated. It is a science, he said.
My kids think it's magic, but I have a new kitchen sink faucet that operates through the ability of the body, such as a light touch. If you are concerned about the preservation of the Delta Faucet Touch Touch 2.0 is very convenient. Other than those two things are, I think one of the refrigerators that do not suck would be a good addition. The only thing that keeps my current box is clear plastic drawers.
Mine Craft listen, build something incredible. I have not received mine Craft, but (as fraggsnet @), the players, all my friends say it is the place to visit if you are building things. LEGO Universe is for adults only.
Reorganization in the office from my iPhone. I have no iPhone. But there are @ krystyna81 and is obviously a disaster. Frankly, I see that there be a problem. All applications and icons would be crazy. I am very particular about how my icons on the screen of my laptop (art), you are not only of the order of system resources, then the developer (all Adobe programs at once, by showing example), but in alphabetical order . Organized from top to bottom on the frequency of use. Of course, sinceVerizon iPhone to add to its lineup next year to get up early, I need the table to organize my iPhone because I am one of the association.
Spend less time playing with gadgets, more time with children. Not to act as if they owe. GeekDad Nathan Barry reminds me of that fact. All have a full life, and spend much time looking at the emptiness of our smart phones and Twitter feeds. We will try a little as the behavior after the kids are in bed relaxing. Technology is great but no substitute for step by step his family. Technology can not put you in a nursing home if dementia is finally back.
to words, if a part of this time their children spend playing video games, laser tag, Nerf battles or build a NAS server in the garage, who I am to argue?
Do not take any decision at all. Scrap the crazy list. Who am I kidding? I'll just sit and play all year about Black Ops. What will happen in the course of the year will happen. There is no reason to false promises that may or may not be realized. Phil Plait Like I said, "I have New Year's resolutions, it always seems to do well in February. So now I just try not to link the goals with deadlines."
