Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year Celebration In Singapore

The National Environment Agency (NEA) will be stepping up its enforcement efforts at various New Year's Eve countdown events this evening.

Members of the public who are participating in New Year's Eve parties around Singapore, including those along Orchard Road, Marina Bay and Serangoon Gardens, are reminded to help keep the public areas clean by disposing of their litter and other discards into the refuse bins.

For the convenience of party-goers, NEA has worked with event organisers to place additional refuse bins at the event sites.

The public is also advised against patronising illegal hawkers who may peddle food, drinks and party novelties (including foam spray). NEA will also be deploying more officers on duty, and they will take action against any littering offenders and illegal hawkers.

First-time littering offenders who discard minor litter such as sweet wrappers, cigarette butts, parking coupon tabs and others improperly are liable for a $300 composition fine.

Repeat littering offenders and first-time offenders who throw larger items such as plastic bags, food wrappers, drink cups will be sent to court where they may be imposed with a Corrective Work Order (CWO) and/or a fine not exceeding $1,000. The CWO will require them to carry out public cleansing works for a maximum duration of 12 hours.
